This picture may be in the running...
Mom, I want the camera!!!!
I love this little guy's hugs! They are so sweet! I actually think he was clinging on for dear life...not so sure about the grass!
I think Hudson is starting to look more and more like his Daddy!
This picture could have been so cute if the lighting hadn't been so bad!
The below picture sums up what he does all day. At least the pots and pans are still in the cabinet at this point! His hair is so red in this picture too!
- We went to La Paz Friday night, Chick Fil A for Saturday lunch, Brio for Saturday night dinner, and Firehouse for lunch today. Yes, we ate it house and home this weekend.
- Due to all the eating, Joel decided that all he wanted for his birthday in a few weeks was a Zero Water filter (as seen on TV!). So, after a trip to Target, we are now the proud owners of the water filter and 2 $10 cups to drink the water from (I guess it tastes better that way?). Hey, at least it's a start. I wanted to get the Jillian Michaels Shred video, but I didn't. That might be too much work! Ha!
- Hudson tee-teed on Joel's shoes Friday night, and my bare feet Saturday night. It was just great. So much for taking the diaper off before the bath is ready. Cold bathroom=can't hold it. Lesson learned.
- While we are on the issue of bodily fluids, Hudson threw up an entire bottle on Joel this morning. It was quite funny. I told Joel that that is what he gets for throwing him up in the air after feeding him his bottle.
- Speaking of this morning, Joel and I have started alternating getting up with Hudson on the weekends so that we each get one day to sleep in. I don't know why we never did this before, but I am most thankful for this new arrangement! However, it was really not cool when Hudson woke up at 6 on my morning, and then slept until 8 am this morning for Joel.
- Hudson has learned to pick noses, and he will gladly stick his finger up your nose at any moment. Oh and I'm not the greatest about making sure his fingernails are cut, so it hurts pretty badly.
- Hudson is waving goodbye now and giving high fives! We are most proud of the high fives. It's pretty cool.
- The highlight of the weekend was planning our anniversary trip to Montana this summer! We are super excited...well, Joel might be a little more excited than I am since it is right up his alley, but I can't wait for some beautiful scenery and some major vacation time with the hubs! More to come on that trip later!
Just another fun weekend at the Reed household! I am absolutely exhausted right now! Hudson just wears us out!
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