Wednesday, July 29, 2009

First Ear Infection

This little pitiful thing...

has a double ear infection! We are going through our first illness. He has been stopped up and congested for about a week now, but he never seemed like he was feeling bad. Joel kept saying that we needed to take him to the doctor, but I just thought it was a cold that he picked up from daycare and there wasn't anything that the doctor was going to be able to do about it. I thought it would just have to run its course. I got him some saline drops for his nose and we elevated his crib. Plus, he has not been fussy, so I didn't think he was feeling bad. I have never been one to rush to the doctor. I despise going to the doctor and I always have the "let's just wait one more day" attitude. It has usually worked! Not this time! Hudson started getting a cough this week and last night was the final straw for us. He was up ALL night, which meant we were up too! Finally, at midnight, I brought him to our bed and propped him up and he was able to sleep for a while. We decided that today was the day that he needed to go to the doctor. Joel took him around lunchtime and got the news that it is a double ear infection. He even had a slight fever. I feel like the WORST mother! I should have known. I guess you live and learn. The doctor did tell Joel that we didn't need to come in for every sniffle because we would be there all the time, and most of the time, you can't tell that they have an ear infection so to not feel bad...but I still feel bad! I just hope he has not been suffering all week with this. Joel took him back to daycare after the doctor appointment. Poor thing. He didn't know that you couldn't take them back if they had a fever, so I ended up leaving work and going to get him. He seems to be doing fine though. He is still all smiles and is talking all the time. You would never know that he is sick...until you hear this horrible cough! Oh well, we are still learning this whole parent thing. Maybe some day we'll get the hang of it!

1 comment:

  1. I would have done the same thing Mindy...waited. Usually when they have an ear infection they pull at their ears, so don't beat your self up over it! The doctor is right...if you took them in for every little sniffle you would be there all the time! Hope he gets to feeling better!
