Wednesday, May 12, 2010


We finally have a walker on our hands! It only took 14 months, 11 days. Ha! It finally clicked yesterday and he's walking all over the house now! He's a little wobbly, and still takes a spill every now and then (like in the first video below), but it's SO cute!

Last night at bed time, I was reading him a book and rocking him and he made it clear he wanted nothing to do with either. He wiggled his way down and walked over to the crib and pointed up at it to tell us that he was READY to go to sleep. It was adorable (oh and it was only 6:30!). He was one sleepy boy!


  1. Oh I am sooo ready for this moment!! I think it is going to take Carter just as long to start. We really need to get these boys together...they are WAY too much alike. :) Oh & I love the "in search of surf" outfit...Carter has that one & the frisbee dog one he was wearing in a previous post...see they dress alike too! HA!

  2. Oh Mindy I'm so excited for y'all! When I saw the update on my blog and the title was "walking," I literally said YAY!!!
