Saturday, December 26, 2009


We have had a whirlwind couple of days, but it has been wonderful! We had the best Christmas! Warning, this post has a TON of pictures! We were a little camera crazy on Hudson's first Christmas!

We started out the festivities with Christmas Eve lunch at the Birmingham Country Club...a Whitt family tradition. It is always so fun and we absolutely stuff ourselves!

Check out Grandmother's dessert plate! She is the smallest person in the world, and she had about 4 desserts! Wish I could do that!!!

Hudson did not want to be in the high chair for long. He wanted to be crawling around, so we finally let him. He loves looking out windows!

Here is Ashley and Blaine. Blaine was so funny. He said his outfit wasn't Christmasy because it didn't have green in it. He is so into his clothes, and of course, he looked so cute as always!

Here is our attempt at a family picture. It was naptime at this point, so Hudson wasn't cooperating! He woudn't take a morning nap before lunch, so we were really struggling!

He loves watching Morgan!

Los Angeles Carrie and me...once again, she makes me look like Casper! Can you tell she lives near the beach?!?!?

We left the country club and went home to get Hudson a quick nap before heading to church and then to Joel's family's Christmas dinner. We let Hudson sit in church with us and he did pretty good. Only two talking outbursts while the preacher was talking! Everyone turned to look at us, but it was ok. He ate three church bulletins and about a hundred puffs too, but we were good to go! I just couldn't stick him in the nursery on Christmas!

Once we got to Joel's aunt's house, the power went out from all the wind and rain, so we ate Christmas Eve dinner by candlelight! The food was delicious as always.
We were able to snap a couple of pictures right before the power went out.

The Reed family.

After dinner, you would think we were done for the night, but no, we headed back to my parent's house for the Whitt Christmas. We open all our presents on Christmas Eve. I was a little worried that Hudson wouldn't make it through the Whitt family Christmas since he had not napped since 3 that afternoon, but we tried to put him down twice at my mom's and he wouldn't go! He was so keyed up!
This was part of the reason. Best present of the night! He stayed in this riding toy most of the night! We all took turns pushing him around the house, and he just loved it. He got so many other things too. You wouldn't believe our den right now. It looks like a tornado full of toys came through it!

It wouldn't be a Whitt family Christmas without my dad getting the hot new toy for the kids. Check out the Zhu Zhus! Morgan was so excited! I have to say though...I don't really see what all the hype is about, but Morgan loved them. They seriously look like little rats running across the floor!

Joel got this really old Auburn football helmet for his man room. He looks pretty funny in it!

This was at about 9:30 pm. He is usually in bed by 7!
We finally got home and put the little man to bed and then played Santa for the first time! We didn't get Hudson very much since he had no idea what was going on, and he got a ton of stuff from his grandparents (and his birthday is in 2 months!), but it was still fun setting it out. We couldn't wait for him to see everything the next morning!

Hudson had a terrible night's sleep that night, but did manage to sleep until 8. We got out the video camera and snapped a few pictures of his reaction to his new toys!
He loved this little play table! It was definitely his favorite.

He liked the alphabet train too, but unfortunately, when I went to put him on it the first time to ride on it, he did a nose dive right onto the handle. Of course we were videoing all that. I definitely won mother of the year for that. We have figured it out today though and we have been riding it all over the house!

He is so excited about all his gifts! Finally, some new toys to play with! And, doesn't he look too cute in his pjs?!?!?

I got a sewing/embroidery machine. I was so excited about it (it really was exactly what I wanted) until I got it out last night and tried to do it. It is so intimidating and I told Joel that he just needed to take it back. I didn't have time to figure all that out! Anyway, we'll see how it goes. I'm not sure I'm cut out for this. I have a whole new respect for the $10 that I have to pay every time to get something monogrammed. It may be worth that. Ha!

After playing with all the stuff that Santa brought for a little while, we headed over to the Reed's to do Christmas with them. They outdid themselves for sure. We got tons of great stuff! Unfortunately, our camera was not working and I didn't get any pictures of the gift giving part. Of course, we figured out what was wrong after it was over! Oh well, I know that they got a ton of great pictures, so hopefully they will share!
Hudson got this great little riding toy that he just loves! It turns into a walker too. We have ridden it all over the house today too! Hudson looks so cute in the Santa hat!

We tried to get a picture of Hudson and his cousin Mark with Papa John, but the fear of old folks came back and Hudson threw a fit!

We had brunch at the Reed's and then headed back to my parent's house for Christmas Day lunch with my other grandparents. Yes, we had to eat again an hour after we ate brunch! It was all SO good though! Our tummies were definitely full!
Check out our silly faces!

Hudson did manage to squeeze in a short nap at Joel's parent's house that morning, but he was definitely exhausted by the time we got to my parent's. I'm really surprised he did so well. We were so off his routine and he has been on somewhat of a nap strike, so I know he was overtired, but he didn't fuss or anything.

We are so blessed to have such wonderful families! Thank you to everyone! We loved seeing you all and celebrating such a wonderful day!
Joel and I are looking forward to a few days of rest and relaxation. We are flat worn out!!!

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