Tuesday, December 1, 2009

9 Months Old!

Little buddy is 9 months old today! He's very excited about his 9 month birthday...or maybe that Santa Claus is coming!

The picture taking started out really well...

Then he started to get a little restless...

Then it was time to stand up and knock the lamp off the table...

Then I just gave up.

That's about how it goes these days. Hudson is no longer staying put. He is into everything. He doesn't like playing with his toys. He would rather play with the electronics, outlets, doors, cabinets, etc. All things that he really doesn't need to be playing with! We are really looking forward to Christmas so that he will get some new toys to play with. Maybe he is just bored with what we have!
Besides being into everything, below is what Hudson is up to these days:
  • Hudson is still army crawling. He is starting to take a few steps up on all fours, but for the most part, he stays on his tummy. He is really fast and gets where he wants to go in no time.
  • He is pulling up on everything! I thought the crawling would last a little bit longer, especially since he is not really crawling yet, but he loves standing up. It is getting easier and easier for him to pull up on his own. He is a pro at doing it in his crib! He gets mad when you set him back down on his bottom. I still worry that he will take a tumble when he's standing up (he hasn't figured out how to get back down yet!), so if I need to leave the room, I will set him back down and he is quick to let us know that he hates that!
  • He especially loves walking around with us holding his arms. We do laps around the kitchen island and he gets so excited at himself! Speaking of getting excited at himself, he has really started doing this lately. He will get this big smile and make this noise to show us that he has done something he is really proud of! It is so cute! I always heard that their personalities really start coming out at 9 months and his is definitely showing! He is just the happiest baby!
  • He can now get to a sitting up position from laying down. This has been such a good thing!
  • He is fascinated by how things work, especially doors. He could play with a door all day long. I think he may have gotten this trait from his Daddy, the engineer!
  • He is still saying Mama, but I think maybe he is not meaning me...I said in an earlier post that he was saying it, and he definitely is, but I don't think that he's made the connection that it is me. Oh well...at least he is saying it and I will always be able to tell Joel that he said Mama before Dada! Ha!
  • He laughs at everything! We can just look at him and he laughs. I love that he thinks we are funny...he's probably about the only one that thinks that! He also loves laughing at the dogs. Jack is still his favorite dog. Chloe doesn't want to have anything to do with him, except for when he takes her toy...she doesn't like that very much. He has only gotten into the dog food once so far and it was so gross!!!
  • He loves to bounce while you are holding him, and loves being thrown up in the air by his Daddy. It makes everyone nervous, but Hudson loves it! He also likes being upside down.
  • He loves being in shopping carts. He loves to bounce up and down, and has even tried jumping out on several occasions! Yes, I use the strap now. He likes to get everyone's attention when we are out in public, and he usually succeeds!
  • He is not much of a fan of his jumperoo anymore. I never thought I would say that, but being stationary is not a good thing for Hudson anymore! It was great while it lasted!
  • He is eating 3 meals a day now and I have just started giving him some real food. He has had cheese, bread, and a little taste of carrots so far (and a little bit of chocolate pie over Thanksgiving!), and I'm going to start bananas or something like that next week. He is still taking 3-4 bottles of day as well.
  • He is in 12 month clothes, but I'm going to start buying 18 month because it won't be long before he is in that size!

We have Hudson's 9 month appointment in a couple of weeks so I will have to update on where he stands on the chart at a later date. I'm guessing around 22 pounds though! He is still my big boy! We have finally moved out of the infant carseat and Hudson is a lot happier about that. I think we kept him in it just a little bit longer than he needed to be! It will be even better when we can turn him around to face forward!

Happy 9 months to my little man!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mindy! Good to hear from you. Your little boy is a cutie. Thanks for sharing your surgery experience. It was good to know. So, how old was he when he had it done? And was his a severe case? Andrew is doing well. He seems to be feeling okay, but I think some of the medicine is making him wired rather than drowsy. (just my luck-haha) So he's having a lot of trouble sleeping. Hope you guys are having a good week.
