Sunday, October 9, 2011

One Week

We have a one week old! He's just the sweetest thing I've ever seen and so far has been really easy. I feel like he's slept through his first week because he sleeps SO much! I just forget how much newborns sleep. We're not on any kind of schedule yet, but for the most part at night, he's up around 12 or 1 am and then again around 5 or so. He goes right back down after eating. Big brother has been sleeping later so we've been able to sleep in until around 7:30 or 8, so that's been nice. We are not complaining about sleep at one week old! :)

I love his hands in this picture below!

We've had lots of visitors and dinners practically every night so far, so it has been wonderful not having to worry about cooking!

Hudson is really coming around. He started out not really caring much for Harrison (not in a bad way, just not even realizing he was around). He has been extra loud though...I know he's just trying to get attention, but he talks in a voice that is about 10 times louder than his normal tone! In the past couple of days, Hudson has helped give Harrison a bottle and also held Harrison for the first time (see the post below). He's even helped put (or shove!) a paci in Harrison's mouth! Hudson always wants to know where Harrison is. I'm really proud of big brother. I've definitely had some guilt over the past week over what we've done to my first born, but it gets easier every day when I see Hudson taking to him so well!

So far, the bottles have been going great and he is gaining his weight back. Yay for that! He's eating about 2 ounces every 3 hours or so.

We ended Harrison's first week by giving him his first sponge bath. My mom and sister were appalled that we had not given him a bath yet (it is pretty bad!), so last night was the night! He liked it about as much as I knew he would! :)

He sure did smell sweet after that bath though!

All better!

Tomorrow, I'm on my own. Joel goes back to work and Hudson's school is closed Monday and Tuesday, so we'll see how it goes! Nothing like being thrown into it!

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