Friday, October 7, 2011

First Outing With Harrison

Harrison got to meet Dr. Cortopassi for the first time yesterday. We had his first check up. Let's just say he wasn't as happy as it may appear in the picture below! Harrison hates having his clothes taken off, much less getting poked and prodded! Poor thing!

Unfortunately, I'm starving the little guy--not intentionally of course! His weight was 7 pounds, 13 ounces when he was born, then it dropped to 7 pounds, 5 ounces when we left the hospital (which was normal), but he's now at 7 pounds, 1 ounce and his bilirubin levels are still up there, meaning he has a bit of jaundice. So basically, I was told I have to start supplementing him. I really wanted to nurse this baby after pumping exclusively for 7 months with Hudson. I thought it would be easier to take that extra 15 minutes of pumping a million times a day out of the picture. But, after nursing for a few days and having absolutely no idea of how much he was getting (which clearly was not much!), I am realizing that maybe pumping is the right thing for me, if I have enough milk to do that. Plus, I am realizing that with two kids, it is nice to be able to let Joel give Harrison a bottle so that I can do things with Hudson. Last night was the first time I have been able to give Hudson a bath and put him to bed and it made my night. I have missed spending that time with my buddy! So, we'll see how it goes. I am still going to try to nurse if I can, but I'm totally ok with not doing it. As long as he's getting the milk and gaining weight, that's all that matters. Another total change from when Hudson was born--I totally stressed out about the nursing thing (and cried and cried and cried!), but this time, I really am not worried about it! He's going to be just fine whether I nurse or not!

The rest of the appointment went great though and I know we all enjoyed getting out of the house for a little while! I know I have a lot more pictures to upload from our hospital stay, so hopefully in the next few days I will get to that. We are still doing great though. We've had one really bad night of sleep, but the rest of the nights really haven't been that bad! I can't complain so far!

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