Tuesday, May 1, 2012

7 Months Old

* Mommy brain alert! I wrote this on May 1st, when really, he turns 7 months on May 2nd! Hudson on the 1st, Harrison on the 2nd. Maybe I will remember that next month!

Our chunky monkey is 7 months old today!

This has been a great month for Harrison. He is finally WELL (knock on wood) and has been SO happy! I just love him to death. That smile is the sweetest thing in the world. He loves to be tickled and for you to put your head on his belly. He just cracks up every time.

Joel and I both think he's going to be our little fire ball. I know all babies at this point are starting to get into things, but he's into everything! He cannot sit still for a second without having something to do. He either wants you to be playing with him, or he has to have a toy. Otherwise, he'll let you know about it! He loves the tv remote. He also loves his Sofie the Giraffe, and anything that big brother is playing with, which is usually some kind of vehicle. He is always laughing at the dogs too! The other night, Hudson, Harrison, and I were all playing on the floor and Harrison kept getting this very devious smile and then grabbing a handful of Hudson's hair, and then he would just crack up--all the while that Hudson was so upset that he was pulling his hair! Harrison just thought it was hilarious. I know this is only the start of things to come with these two boys! He is still loving his jumperoo too, but probably his most favorite place to be is outside on a blanket. We spend many hours in our backyard and in our driveway!

He is FINALLY sleeping good at night. He goes down at 7 (if we can keep him up that long--it's a struggle) and sleeps until 6 or 6:30. He does not like to be rocked before bedtime. We've tried, but he just gets so wiggly and restless as if to say, "Mom, please just put me in my crib!" We get the point and he's usually asleep before we leave the room! There are many nights that we don't hear a peep out of him all night, and only a few nights where we have to go put the paci in. I thought for a while that we would never get to this day, but now the past 6 months of no sleep seems like it never happened. Isn't it funny how that works?!? He sleeps on his side at night, curled up with a stuffed bunny who we have started calling Hops. He loves to hug on that bunny! I think that may be his "thing". So cute. He takes two pretty good naps each day as well.

Early this month, we started a second meal of solids each day. He has a fruit and a veggie around noon and a fruit and veggie around 5 each night. He LOVES his baby food. The only thing that he absolutely will not eat is peas, but everything else, he seems to like. He really does not like for us to eat in front of him, which makes eating out a little difficult, so I've started just feeding him baby food if we go out, and we have just started puffs, which I hope will help too. I feel like he may start real food a little earlier on than Hudson. It just seems like he is more ready? We'll see! I am by no means wishing time away, but I am looking forward to the day when I don't have to wash bottles anymore and he can eat what we eat! I know it will be here before we know it though! He is still taking four 8 ounce bottles a day.

I have been working with him on getting in the crawling position, but he's not there yet. If I put him there, he can hold himself, but he can't pick himself up yet. He's a big guy, so I know it's tough for him to do it! I'm definitely not ready for crawling yet, but as little time as he spends on his tummy, I feel like he may need a little help to get there eventually! He is really not rolling over at all either. I have seen him do it so I know he can, but he just doesn't want to. He is happiest when he's sitting up.

He's in mostly 12 month clothes, with some 9 month clothes that fit and some 18 month clothes as well. He's in a size 3 diaper.

I can't get enough of these two boys. These pictures just make my heart melt! They are becoming so much closer now. Hudson pays a lot of attention to him now and Harrison just thinks Hudson hung the moon.

Happy 7 months little guy!

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