Sunday, July 31, 2011

Mini Vacay!

I'm 30 weeks pregnant, turning 30 on FRIDAY, and Joel and I had our 6th wedding anniversary on Saturday. So what did we do???

We went to the beach! Just us! No Hudson, no dogs, no cooking, and absolutely NO responsibility. And, it was GLORIOUS!!!!!!

We left after work on Thursday and got there late that night. Friday morning, we slept in until almost 9! We haven't done that in I don't know how long. It was great. Then, we went to the Great Southern Cafe in Seaside for a wonderful breakfast. It was SO good. Beignets, fruit, eggs benedict, fried green tomato benedict, etc. DELISH. It was so nice to not be in a rush to do anything, not stress over a meal out, and just having adult conversation was fabulous!

After a beautiful day in the sun on the beach, we headed to the outlets to get some things and then ate at Mitchell's in San Destin. We've been there before, but for whatever reason, this meal was the best we've had. Maybe it was the fact that we were alone! Ha! Don't get me wrong, we missed that little guy so much, but I think every parent needs a break to rejuvenate every now and then!

Saturday, I wasn't able to sleep past 8:30 (but still, that's LATE for me!), but Joel slept until almost 10! I think he needed the sleep! I went on out to get some sun while he slept. I read a whole book this weekend! I went in around lunchtime and we hopped on the bikes and rode down to Rosemary for lunch. It was HOT, but really fun. We had to take a picture of me being 30 weeks pregnant riding a bike! It was a sight for sure!

After another relaxing afternoon at the beach, we went to our absolute most favorite restaurant down there, Cafe Tango. We crave this place and haven't been since we have had Hudson...almost 3 years! They only have about 10 tables in the restaurant and you have to have a reservation (and you would not want to take a child!). It was such a special treat and a great way to spend our 6 year anniversary! We joked that it will probably be 20 years before we get to go back.

I never took a belly shot with Hudson, so what the heck. Here's me and baby Harrison at 30 weeks! Yikes!

Here we are at's been a great 6 years! (Joel was so embarassed that I asked the waiter to take our picture!). Oh well, he'll thank me later!

And now, we have been reunited with the CUTEST little boy in the world. We missed him like crazy, but enjoyed every minute of our little vacay! Thanks to my parents for keeping him and the dogs for 3 nights. They went to the cabin and I think he wore them slap out!

What a wonderful weekend we had, and even more wonderful to come back to this smiling face! We sure did miss him!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! I haven't seen you in forever and your bump is so cute...and that's all it is!!
