Wednesday, July 20, 2011

All About Baby

This post is dedicated solely to the baby! It's officially time to kick it into high gear to get ready for this new addition! I will be 29 weeks tomorrow. I can't even believe it. This pregnancy has FLOWN! I can't complain at all. It has been so easy so far. So easy that I don't even think about it that much! I just feel like when I was pregnant with Hudson that we talked about it non-stop, but this time, I think we might finally realize it's real when we're at the hospital! There are even some days that I don't even think to notice the baby kicking until I'm laying in bed that night. I'm just so busy with everything else. It still is a sweet, sweet feeling though! And, the kicking is now making my whole stomach move, so that's always neat in a weird way!

I had a doctor's appointment last week and everything looked great. I had my sugar test and actually passed this time! I learned the first time around that you need to fast before the first test (despite what they may tell you!), so I did it this time and passed with flying colors. I also limited my sugar intake the whole day before. Last time, I ate normal before my appointment and failed the first test, but then passed the 3 hour test. Anyway, I'm thankful for no diabetes!

I've gained about 15 pounds so far this time. With Hudson, I gained a total of about 32 pounds, so I think I'm doing better this go around! However, 8 of those 15 have come in the last 2 months, so I'm gaining ground quickly!

The most remarkable thing to me is that I haven't had the swelling like I did the first time. Now, I know I still have 11 weeks to go, with the hottest month of the year coming up so there is probably NO way to escape it, but at this point the last go around, my ankles were unrecognizable! I think that was the one thing I was worried about when I found out I was pregnant this time with the worst of it hitting in the middle of summer--I didn't want to be wearing cute maternity dresses with cankles the size of Texas! Ha! The heat really hasn't been awful yet either, although in the past few weeks, I've just been hot a lot more than usual, but not unbearable.

Now, for the fun stuff! We have decided on a name! It is going to be...

Harrison Walker Reed

We will call him Harrison. We chose Harrison because it's just a name we both like, and Walker is a family name on the Reed side. I love how Harrison goes with Hudson! He will also have the same initials as Hudson. I was hesitant about that at first because I thought it was a little cheesy, but the more I think about it, it's going to be good that we can re-use all of the monogrammed stuff! Doesn't it look cute monogrammed on a gown?!?!?

As for the nursery, it's a work in progress. We moved the furniture in the room, but it's not in the right place yet. I finally ordered the bedding last week from Here is a picture of it from the website...

I wanted to do something totally different than the brown and blue that I did in Hudson's room. I feel like Harrison will have enough hand me downs that he deserved a new room that was all his own! And, I needed some color this time! The walls have been painted a soft yellow.

I'm thinking about doing some or a combination of the below paintings in the room. I just haven't decided if I want to pay for them! I'm blessed with a Dad that can replicate any painting you give him, but I think we may have overdone it with the firetruck paintings (which, by the way, have exceeded all my expectations and are just fabulous--I can't wait to share!)! I don't feel like I can ask him to do any more. I think they would look cute though!

I'm also going to do some sort of wall monogram over the crib. I have found a few that I like, but haven't ordered anything yet.

I started going through Hudson's old clothes to see what I could keep and what I could not since I didn't throw away a thing and some things just don't need to be kept. Let's just say that spit up stains on outfits aren't too cute--I guess I was just being so sentimental that I couldn't throw them out when I first went through them! All the clothes are strewn everywhere in the room right now! It's a mess! Needless to say, the whole room is a work in progress and it probably won't even be ready by the time he gets here, but I guess he won't be sleeping in there for a while anyway!

My good friend Meggan had baby Avery Grace yesterday and seeing the pictures of her just makes me SO giddy about having another baby in the house! Just remind me of these thoughts after the first few weeks when I'm sleep deprived and totally overwhelmed! Ha! But, seriously, there is nothing like a newborn. Time just goes SO fast and I hope that this time around, I'll be able to soak it up a little more since hopefully I will know what's coming. I was so not prepared for the changes that we went through when Hudson arrived. It was just a total shock for me and the hormones didn't make it any better! This time, I think the hardest thing will be juggling two and making sure that Hudson still gets all the attention he deserves! It makes me sad to think his world is about to be rocked, but I know he'll adjust in time.

That's about all I have to say about the baby! I felt like he needed some attention on the ole blog! I'm just so excited for October (or late September if he's ready to come early like Hudson was). We can't wait to meet our sweet Harrison!

1 comment:

  1. Love the name!! This post makes me so excited to meet our sweet boy! I'll hopefully be somewhat adjusted so that when Harrison gets here I can come visit...he and Will can have play dates! :)
