Sunday, June 24, 2012

First Time Tubing

Hudson got on the tube for the first time this weekend at the lake. We got the kind that he could sit in because we thought that would be better for him than our other tube that you have to lay down on. He loved it! He kept telling Pops to "go faster faster!" We went a lot faster than I thought he would be able to go. I think I was the one telling Pops to slow down! Ha!

Only once did we get outside the wake and went up pretty high. I grabbed Hudson's arm so hard to keep him from flying out that I think I scared him. He wanted off after that! Oh well, I am SO glad that he is finally old enough to have some fun on the lake!
He flat wore himself out! You should have seen the pool of sweat that developed while he took this little snooze.  It was hot out there!
Taking a dip with Dad. This didn't last too long because it's next to impossible to tell your very active, underwater loving, 3 year old that he can't get his ears in the lake water (due to the tubes--lake water is considered dirty water). It ended up in a big fit.
We got back late last night after a really rough hour and a half ride home! Both kids screamed most of the way. We got Hudson Chick Fil A to eat in the car on the way home because we knew he was exhausted and we were just going to take him straight to bed when we got home, but of course, he ate it so fast that he ended up throwing it up, which resulted in him screaming even more because he wanted his clothes off. Harrison finally fell asleep, but we realized why he was crying when we got home--poop everywhere! :) Joel and I just had to laugh about it all--that was the only way we could get through it!

I taught in the 3 year old Sunday school class today. I am going to miss being in Hudson's class next year. I think I have one more Sunday to do it. It has been so much fun watching all of the kids grow over this past year. They are all SO sweet! I snapped a few pictures this afternoon after nap time.
It SURE was hot today. Miserable really. This was the 5 seconds that we endured the heat to blow some bubbles on the back porch...

It was a great weekend! I can't believe it is already about to be Monday again. Ugh!

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