Monday, December 6, 2010

SRHW Tacky Party

I had my work holiday party on Friday night at Ted's Garage. I'm a part of the planning committee, and we decided to change things up a bit this year from the traditional casino night and did a tacky party with an 80's band instead. I wasn't sure how it would go over. I mean, accountants aren't the most creative people in the world you know. But, with the grand prize of $500 to Ross Bridge for the tackiest couple, and then awesome prizes for the tackiest girl and tackiest guy, it gave people a little more incentive to dress up! Let me tell you, it was FUN! Everyone got into it and it was great. People went ALL out.

Part of the Fun Committee...

Ted's Garage ended up being the perfect venue for our event. We used Fish Market for the catering and the food was really good. I would highly recommend them. They were great to work with. I booked the M-80's for the band and they ended up being awesome.

I wish Joel and I had gotten more into the dressing up, but the party snuck up on us and we didn't really have much time to pull an outfit together. Plus, I didn't know just how tacky people would go--I should have asked around! We did the best we could though and I would say we were pretty tacky! We have another tacky party this weekend coming up and I plan to do a little better! I got some great ideas!

Check out the picture below. The girl next to me and her fiance won the prize for the tackiest couple. She had someone do her hair into a Christmas tree. There is a solo cup under her hair! It was out of control good and creative.

This picture is a lot of the girls that I work with. We really have a great group and it was fun having our tacky night!

And, this would be our managing partner for the past couple of years (he stepped down a couple of months ago). He had himself a grand ole time! He's dancing with the lead singer from the band in this one...

And this one would be Bob dancing with one of my co-workers, Kristi. She might have regretted this night on Saturday morning! Ha! There's always someone that has a REALLY great time if you know what I mean! She was hilarious and I have to say that her outfit was really creative as well, and she made her sweater all herself. She had a battery pack in her pants that lit up her sweater!

The tacky theme went over way better than I could have imagined. We accountants can come out of our shells every now and then! And yes, Joel and I had to get up VERY early the next morning to head to Atlanta for the game! We paced ourselves! :) We are still trying to catch up from the weekend, however.

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