Sunday, December 5, 2010

National Championship Bound!!!

What a weekend!!!!! I am so proud of our Auburn Tigers!!! They have fought so much adversity this year and have found a way to win every game. They deserve every bit of getting to go to Glendale. This year has far exceeded all of our expectations. Isn't it neat to have Alabama go last year and then us this year??? I think that is pretty cool! As much as I hated Alabama going last year, and I know they probably hate us for going this year, it's pretty awesome for our state and for the SEC!

Joel and I were able to go the game yesterday in Atlanta. We dropped off our little Cam with my parents and then headed to Atlanta (Notice we traded in his #1 jersey for a #2 jersey! Go Cam!).

We got to Atlanta in time to make a quick stop at Ikea. Yeah right, quick! I had found something I wanted online and they wouldn't ship it to me, so we had to go there to get it. Well, our quick run in the store turned into quite the visit. That store is unbelievable and I wish we had had more time to look around. Anyway, I will go back! But, we got what we needed and then grabbed lunch and then headed to the dome.

The atmosphere was awesome. We were so blessed to be right in the middle of the Auburn section, next to the band. It couldn't have been more perfect! And, the game was incredible. Who knew we would blow them out?!?!? I thought it would be close and was so nervous before the game! Cam is awesome and I can't wait to watch him win the Heisman next weekend (is there really any competition???). I know he's probably out of there next year, but he sure has been fun to watch this year.

When the game ended, the Auburn fans didn't leave. It was so fun. We just celebrated, sang all our songs, watched the paparazzi chase Cam all over the field, and enjoyed every bit of the sweetness of victory!

Now, the debate begins about whether or not to make the trek to Glendale! Oh how I wish we could go and we keep saying it's a once in a lifetime trip. We have ticket's just whether or not we want to spend that much money! Only time will tell! For now, we'll just keep celebrating!



  1. Mindy - we are going to Glendale! We sure are hoping we get to see some family while we are there. War Eagle!

  2. You must go, still to this day I am so happy I went last year. I can't say those two little words, but I do hope Auburn wins, but hopefully you still keep Andres in the family after this game...should be interesting his team against the fam's!!
