Monday, March 21, 2011

Petting Zoo

Most people are pretty sad that Spring Break is over...not this gal! We had a bit of a rough week last week. Hudson was under the weather for most of the week with some sort of stomach bug/cold thing that lasted forever. He didn't eat for a solid week. I got the stomach bug on Thursday, which happened to be one of my days to stay home with Hudson since he was out, and let me tell you, I really don't know how I got through that day. Joel did come home around 10 that morning and helped me get to noon before he had to go back to work, but the rest of the day was all me. It was rough. Then Joel got the cold part of the bug and he is awful when he's sick! Oh how I wished it was a week day so that I could just get away from him! Ha! And now, unfortunately, I think I'm coming down with the cold. We just can't seem to shake it!

Anyway, our big plans for Hudson to have a fun filled week last week ended up not happening and he had a pretty boring week. He had three days of no naps, which totally messed him up. He did get two days with his Migi which included a trip to the fire station and a trip to Bass Pro, which I know he loved so that was good, and we certainly appreciated the help. We managed to muster up some energy to go to dinner with some friends on Saturday night and Hudson fell asleep on the way to dinner (which you know is bad when he falls asleep at 5:30!)--he was pretty much out of it for the whole dinner, but he didn't act up so it was actually pleasant! It was good to get out of the house and enjoy the beautiful weather! We all needed it!

When Sunday rolled around, I was feeling better so I decided to get Hudson out of the house and took him to the petting zoo at Oak Mountain. I had heard to steer clear of the regular zoo last week because it was so crowded, but I thought he would like to go see the farm animals at Oak Mountain. When I told him we were going there, he got all excited and started talking about the lions and the tigers. Too bad he got smelly goats and sheep instead! There were some points that the goats and sheep acted like lions and tigers though! The goats were a little feisty at times and tried to eat my shoelaces and my shorts! I love Hudson's arms in the picture below. He's in fighting position! :)

He was fascinated by the peacock and of course, loved the rooster. He wanted to let the rooster out of its cage. I didn't want to get too close to that peacock!

We saw some ugly pigs and some donkeys, and then there were the ducks.
Here he is running from the ducks. Let's just say he wasn't too keen on the ducks!

The horses were fun to look at.

The petting zoo was actually really fun. It was a big grassy area that Hudson could run around in, although there was poop everywhere so we just had to deal! After we looked at the animals, we went over to the lake and checked out the boats before heading back home. It was a good $3 morning out!

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