Monday, August 9, 2010

Fun With the Hose and 17 Month Update

Since it is SO hot outside these days, we decided to have some fun with the hose in the driveway. At first Hudson wasn't really sure about what to do with it.

Then, he splashed himself a little bit and decided it was sort of fun.

He got a little more daring and started swinging the hose around.

And then got drenched...

And more drenched...
What can I get into now???

It was a lot of fun and a nice, cool activity for a hot summer day!


So, this guy turned 17 months on August 1st!

At 17 months, Hudson is a busy little bee. That's pretty much the only way to describe him these days. At this stage, I can really see his little brain working and it blows me away to see how much he is taking in on a daily basis and is truly understanding things. I love this whole development thing! It just seems like life is full of information overload and it just amazes me that he is starting to understand what is going on and can react to it. For example, for the past couple of nights we have asked Hudson if he is ready to go "night night" and he has walked straight to the stairs (we have a gate up to block them). He has associated "night night" with going to bed. Also, he loves playing with keys. I don't remember a time when we have unlocked a door with the keys because we just come in through the garage and don't have to use them, but the other day, he was trying to put the keys in the lock on our door going downstairs. Joel and I were both in shock that he knew that's what those were supposed to be used for! Joel's parents were over at our house before we left for Montana and we were showing them some things around the house, and I asked Hudson to show Migi and Pops where the duck was (his yellow duck tub that he hates!). He took them right into the closet and showed them where it was, and then said "bye bye" and closed himself in the closet with the duck. Hilarious!

He has started testing me a little bit and I know when he does it (and he's meaning to do it) because he gives me this little smirk. It's a smile but not really a smile. He's just waiting on me to tell him no and wants to see how far he can go with it! The latest "testing" has been with his high chair. He wants to stand up in all high chairs. He will inch up and give me the smirk and when I tell him to sit on his bottom, he does. But, then he repeats it all over again!

He is still talking up a storm, but you can only understand a word hear or there. He has learned how to stick out his tongue and that seems to be the new thing around here. He always has his tongue out! It is funny, but sort of annoying too! And, he loves touching your tongue if you stick it out. He thinks it is hilarious! I know, it's gross.

He still will not touch veggies and I'm at my wit's end about it. He won't even try them. Really, he won't try much of anything new that I put in front of him. I feel like he is thinning out so much (I know, probably normal since he was so chunky and is now so active), but I can't help but think it's because I'm not feeding him the right things. Oh well, I guess this is just a constant battle that all mom's with toddlers have to deal with. The rolls are disappearing though and it's making me a little sad! I miss my little chunker!

He loves Ring Around the Rosy and will turn circles until he gets dizzy. It is funny. He likes to watch you "fall down" and he just keeps on turning circles. He also loves "If You're Happy and You Know it" and loves to clap clap at the appropriate times. He LOVES to dance too! Since he is starting to really love music, I finally broke down and bought a CD with children's songs on it and he seems to like it. I started feeling kind of bad blasting my country every day!

That's about all for this month. I can't believe we have an almost year and a half year old child!

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