Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Buuu Bawoon!

Ok, so he didn't really say those words together (that would be impressive at 17 months even though Joel swears the other day that he said "that's my ball"!), but he did say "blue" and he did say "bawoon" on separate occasions! After church on Sunday, we stopped by the Pig (our trusty grocery store) and picked up some things. The ladies at the checkout always love to see Hudson and gave him a balloon this time! He was in heaven. It was his best friend all day on Sunday (until we left it at Migi and Pops' house Sunday night--oops!). Good thing toddlers move on to new things quickly!

I always think when I tell him to show me his teeth that he will smile for me, but, he always just points to his teeth. I guess he is following directions--I should be happy about that!

He was mesmerized and it was wonderful until he tried scratching the balloon with his fingernails. Besides thinking at any moment that the balloon was going to pop and make us all deaf, it sounded like he was running his fingernails down a chalkboard. It was awful sounding!
Luckily, it never broke.

This last picture is just a funny from tonight. Joel has been out of town this week again (makes every week since we've been back from our trip and the week that we left--getting old!). It is hard playing single working mom and sometimes Hudson just gets to play in things that he normally wouldn't get to because I need to get something done! Tonight, it was the dishwasher. Joel would have had a fit had he been here! He never lets him on the dishwasher because he's afraid he might break it. Valid point, but it was fine! You do what you gotta do, and it sure beat him clinging onto my leg and whining for a pick up while I got dinner cleaned up!

This week I've had to put my big girl panties on (as my mom told me to do while we were on our trip to Glacier since it was so out of my element!) and I'm just thankful that Joel is about home and the weekend is almost here! I had my first book club meeting on Monday night. I knew only the girl that asked me to be in it and so I was a little nervous about going, but hey, let's face it, I need to get out and this sounded like fun (and I love to read so it's right up my alley!). And let me tell you, it was FUN!!! I'm so glad I went and I think all the girls were really great and I am looking so forward to the next one. Throw in some wine, a good book (The Help--highly recommend it!), and lots of good girl talk, it's always a good time! Then, today, I had to give a class at work and public speaking really just about does me in! I get all worked up about it and nervous and I'm afraid the words won't come out right or someone will ask me a question I don't know the answer to. So, that has stressed me out all week, but it is over with now and it went great too. I don't know why I let it get to me because when I'm up there speaking, I'm fine--it's just the build up to it that is so terrible! Anyway, enough rambling for tonight! More updates from the trip to come. I just can't seem to get it all done!

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