Friday, April 16, 2010

Another One in the Books!

Well, I have survived another busy 7th actually (and for some reason, I keep going back for more!). Luckily for me, this one wasn't near as bad as all the rest due to me being part-time! Don't get me wrong, it was still stressful. Being part-time just means you have less time to get the same stuff done so every minute is important! Being a mom made it harder as well and I realize that it's probably going to be like this every busy season with all the sickness that occurs in the winter! Let's just say that I have earned a whole lot of respect for full-time working mothers, especially accountants, that are required to put in 60-65 hour weeks for 4 months out of the year. I don't know how they do it, and I hope and pray every day that I never have to experience that--I am truly counting my lucky stars to be able to do what I do!

We had a big April 15th party last night at Rogue Tavern to celebrate the end. I'm not a tax accountant so April 15th really means nothing to me, but the auditors still have just as rough of a busy season as the tax just starts earlier in January and is supposed to end a little earlier than April 15th if all goes well. I've had some years where we couldn't even celebrate on the 15th since we weren't done, but this year, I started to slow down about a week ago and enjoyed my night out last night! It was so nice to have a few drinks and catch up with everyone that I had not seen in a while. Being an auditor means being out of the office a ton, so we don't get to see everyone on a daily basis. Sadly, I didn't take any pictures of last night's party. I'm sure it went well into the night, but this mama had to get home and to bed at a reasonable time so I wouldn't feel awful today! My little alarm clock (aka Hudson) woke up at 6:45 this morning!

This little guy got to hang out with his Daddy and Migi and Pops! He had a great time and probably didn't miss me a bit!

Hudson has really turned into such a show-off these days. I just love it!

Today, Hudson and I went and visited with Mama Jean, met Joel for lunch, went on a wagon ride, and went to the park! It was a fun day, just the two of us. Joel was busy doing yard work all afternoon. We are looking forward to a fun family day tomorrow in AUBURN! We are going to A-Day and can't wait to be there!

Have I mentioned how out of control Hudson's hair is???

This was mid-outfit change today...he was being such a ham! Excuse the drool...I think we are majorly teething these days! I'm hoping to see some progress in the tooth department soon!

You would think that I would doing something other than posting on my blog on a Friday night, but I wouldn't trade a Friday night at home for anything right now! We put Hudson down at 7, cooked out, and are just chilling right now! Doesn't get much better! Oh and just to sound even more nerdier, we'll probably be in bed by 9 too! Yay for sleep!

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