Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Crazy Weeks!

Life is crazy right now. We have so much going on it's not even funny. It's all good stuff though!
So this week is off to a crazy start with bad weather. School closed early yesterday and we were watching a tornado come down I-459 at almost midnight last night deciding if we needed to run and get the kids up and get down to the basement. The storm basically disintegrated as it got to Birmingham, so we were all ok here (there were some places hit nearby though), but it was a little scary! Way too close for comfort for sure. The kids slept through it all though, so that was the good news because it was loud! We have another round coming this afternoon/night. My office even closed at 2 today AND Al Roker was in Birmingham last night and today--this is serious business!
Last week was crazy too. Hudson had his school program on Thursday night. This is his sweet friend Avery. Hudson is sporting a 'fro, which has since been cut off! :)
I love hearing those little voices sing. It always brings tears to my eyes, and it really made me sad to think that this was his last preschool program. He sung his little heart out and did great!

Hudson got his crayon last week! He was so excited! The very next day, our house went under contract, so all this talk about the big school down the street, he's not even going to be going there! Whoops! So now we've been talking about his other big school...and the house search has begun.

 I'm the treasurer of PALS, which is a group that supports the children's department of the library. We have several events during the year, but one main event, a casino night and silent auction, and it was Saturday night. I worked all last week preparing for this event, helped set up Friday and Saturday, and spent all day Sunday tallying everything up. It was a ton of work, but we raised over $18,000 for the children's department, which is huge! It was definitely worth all the work! I took not one picture during the event, but here's a collage that was taken...

 Joel is out of town until Thursday night, then this happens...

The kids are gonna die...they do not even know yet. Stay tuned.
And then as soon as we get back, I head right to Vegas for work (and some play!) for a week. Oh yeah, and did I mention we will be homeless in a month??? We have to find a house and pack this one up too. I'm taking all volunteers to help! Ha! No rest for the weary!!!

1 comment:

  1. Lots of fun coming your way it sounds like! Where are y'all looking to move? We'd love for y'all to come out where we are! We love it! There's a great house for sale in our neighborhood! :) Glad all is well...Love your blog!
