Monday, March 24, 2014

Back at the Ballpark

It is time to get back to blogging. I am finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel that is busy season, so hopefully the blog will move up a little on the priority list. Hopefully. I don't think I've ever gone 3 weeks without blogging! I miss it, and I miss documenting our little, simple life! Joel is holding up the fort at home this week while I'm in Mobile for work. When I get back home, Joel leaves for a week in Houston. And have I mentioned our house is for sale??? Well, it is. Life has been crazy lately.
Hudson started his second year of t-ball about a month ago. We are on practically the same team as we were last year, so that has been extra fun. It is amazing to see how far these boys have come in a year. Last year, whenever the ball was hit, it was a mad dash to see who could get it first. Now, they actually stay in their positions and are trying to throw and catch and get outs! It helps that they have added a practice in this year in addition to the games.
Harrison is Hudson's biggest fan. Opening day was a week ago last Saturday, and Harrison threw an absolute fit over what I had picked out for him to wear that day (a common occurrence--he won't let me put him in anything cutesy!). He wanted to wear a uniform just like Hudson! Thankfully, we had Hudson's Cubs uniform from last year that he could wear, and I have a feeling this is going to be his Saturday outfit for the next two months! He was adorable though, and watched his big brother the whole time. 

 Our little lefty hitting for the first time this season! He did pretty good!

Our coach makes the boys slide when they get to home plate, whether they want to or not. Mine does not have a problem with the wanting to part. He likes to go head first! Then, he put his head down in the dirt as if to take a nap! T-ball is hilarious.

 Sweet boy! I know he can't wait until it's his turn!

 Hudson playing third base! He actually stopped a ball and threw it to first. We were proud of him!

They had the first game, and then now have two weekends off. Sort of a bummer...but it will be back before we know it!

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