Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sunday Iphone Dump

I haven't managed to get the big camera out lately. I feel like all I have been doing the past few weeks is work work work. Oh well, I am in the throws of busy season and hopefully only have about another month of craziness. Here are some recent pictures from the trusty Iphone.
One really cold Saturday trip to the zoo!
I never updated after Harrison's latest ENT appointment. He was still draining so are at war with those ears right now and we go back in 4 weeks to see if it has worked. If not, he will have to get an IV for 2 weeks and a home health nurse will come to the house every day. I'm just trying not to think about how awful that will be if it happens. How do you keep an IV in an almost 17 month old??? Good news is that the past few days, we haven't seen any drainage and we have had a different child with us. He has been SO fun! He is even starting to say a lot of words! So I'm hoping we are winning the battle! And now I am knocking on wood for saying all of that...
This is NOT a true picture of how the doctor's appointment went. If only they were this sweet and happy all the time!
We purchased all of the gear for t-ball last weekend. Who knew you needed this much stuff?!?! When I played, all we had to show up with was a glove. Nowadays, you gotta have your own helmet with a mask, bat, glove, cleats, ball, etc. Today was his first practice and from what I hear, he loved it!
This was the only picture I took on Valentine's Day. We did store bought Valentine's (no Pintrest for me!) and the kids got no Valentine happies from us. Don't worry, they got plenty of goodies from school and grandparents! Joel won father of the year for attending Valentine parties at school. I'm not big on Valentine's Day though. I would much rather do special things to show my loves that I love them (and for them to show me--hint hint) on random days--not on Valentine's. It's just too cheesy for me. Just my opinion though!

 Hudson did LOVE all things Valentine's Day though. Maybe next year we will get our act together!

Harrison was in need of another haircut so we took him yesterday. Joel was the lucky one who held him down while he screamed this time. It wasn't pretty. If you see him, just don't judge the mullet (he couldn't get the back on the bottom). Just know that they did the best they could! Ha!

Joel took this one at t-ball today. I had to stay home while Harrison napped. Hudson told me when they left that it was a boy thing anyway. It made me sad! I'm glad he is having fun though! What a beautiful day they had to be out on the field too!

That's it for now!

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