Thursday, February 16, 2012

Valentine's Day

This may be the longest I've ever gone without blogging. I told Joel tonight that I needed to update the blog, but I really don't have anything exciting to write about. So, this is just going to be random (and I might just throw in a pity party or two along with it--sorry about that in advance).

Carrie and Andres and all of us were planning to head up to the cabin last weekend until my mom called and said they were going to the beach instead. We thought about going anyway, but it's more fun when they are there and let's be honest, the help is one of the main the reasons why we go up there. Also, Hudson would have been devastated to go up there and Big Mama and Big Daddy not be there. He just wouldn't understand! So, we opted to stay in town and went to dinner with sis and her new hubs at Sumo. It was Hudson's first hibachi experience, and I just knew he was going to love it. Unfortunately, he was less than thrilled with the whole thing and midway through the meal, he said he was ready to go home and go to bed. What? Sure enough, he came straight home and went to bed--no bath, no books, no nothing. He was flat worn out I suppose. The littlest guy was happy as a clam with all the entertainment. He just kicked and cooed and smiled the whole time. What a dream baby!

I had to work on Saturday anyway so I guess not going to the cabin was probably for the best. This 28 hour a week part-time gig isn't really working out so well these days (insert pity party here). I have been a pill and I know it--I'm sorry to anyone that I might have been a bit snippy with. Joel is also working like a dog, so it makes it extra hard. Any free time that we get is spent working, and we are having to do a lot of "passing the kids off" to each other. As the saying goes, this too shall pass. I am very thankful to have a job and to be able to work part-time (for most of the year). I hate to even complain about that because these hours are temporary and will be over soon! I know it could be WAY worse.

Coming home to this on Saturday made me happy. This is the scene in our den on many a nights...when we're not playing with trains of course. This little almost 3 year old is obsessed with his trains right now. He wakes up (at 5 am no less--that's a whole 'nother issue) talking about wanting to go play with his trains.

We had the Geek Squad at our house all day on Sunday getting the downstairs room completed wired up. It is now the ultimate man room, with quite a few toys sprinkled in of course. I took the boys to church that morning so that they (Hudson) wouldn't bother the Geek Squad. While we were driving home, Hudson said, "Mommy, I'm a guy now just like Daddy so I get to go help them when we get home." Since when is my little boy a guy??? It sure is cute that he wants to be just like his Daddy.

On another note, this is how we keep our 4 month old from getting sick in the cold weather...

Just kidding, poor thing probably rode the whole way home with hat over his face. I guess he didn't seem to mind too much!

I hate that this picture is blurry, but Jack (our dog) is on the far left of the picture giving Harrison some kisses. He was just smiling away!

Tuesday was Valentine's Day. I am so jealous of all these cute crafts and homeade Valentine's that everyone did for their kids. The whole day just kind of snuck up on me and so we settled for some store bought Toy Story Valentine's, which of course Hudson loved. I stayed up late Monday night putting his friends names on them and putting Hershey kisses on them, and Hudson even helped put little heart stickers on them. They actually did turn out pretty cute. He was so excited about giving them to his friends. We put them all in his backpack to be handed out at school the next day. When I picked him up Tuesday afternoon, all of his Valentine's were STILL in his backpack. He had a bag full of Valentine's from all his classmates, but his teachers forgot to give his out. It sort of broke my heart (insert pity party again).

I did take a picture of the boys as we were running out the door that morning. Here is Harrison on his first Valentine's Day! I can't get enough of this sweet boy.

And my other handsome Valentine, who makes me so happy (even if he is a handful these days!).
I'm embarrassed to say that I did not even get the boys any Valentine's gifts, including Joel. Thankfully, my Dad came to the rescue and brought some loot over for the littles. Of course, when he got out the present he had gotten for Hudson, Hudson said, "I don't like that--I don't want it." Talk about wanting to crawl under a rock. I'm so glad that he's learning how to be thankful for things. And naturally, he spent the rest of the night (and ever since then) playing with that toy that he said he didn't want. Why do they do that??? We celebrated the night with frozen chicken pot pies. Romantic, huh?

Wednesday night I started a new Bible study at church. We are reading Fearless by Max Lucado. I think it's going to be really good, and for an hour I was able to not be stressed and I got in some good girl time! I'm really going to enjoy it.

We've got a great weekend planned and I'm really looking forward to it. I can't wait to get a hold of my sweet boys and spend some quality time with them. I feel like I haven't seen them much this week and I miss them SO much! We are hoping to squeeze in a trip to the BJCC to see the dinosaurs and then Harrison has his big day on Sunday--he is getting baptized! Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you have a wonderful weekend with those adorable boys :-) you are a super mom!!
