Monday, January 2, 2012

Harrison at Three Months

Our littlest buddy is three months old today!

He's growing and changing so much every day, and is really starting to become more interactive with us! It's getting so much fun!

Here was Harrison at 2 months...

And now here he is at 3 months...

You can tell that he is so much more alert. And, here was Hudson at 3 months...

I'm starting to think they look nothing alike! Hudson looks a lot bigger, but it could just be the way the pictures were taken. I think Harrison is probably close to 15 pounds, so he is a chunker too!

At 3 months, Harrison is sleeping through the night. He's going down around 9 and will sleep to anywhere between 6 and 8:30 or so. If he gets up at 6, he'll go right back to sleep, but if he sleeps until 7 or 8, he's up for the day. He's still in our room, but that is going to change very soon! It's time for him to go upstairs, so we've been trying to get him to take naps in his crib so he'll be prepared for when the time comes. We just have to get a new video monitor before we permanently make the transition, but that will be soon!

Speaking of naps, he has been a little more consistent with his naps lately. He has a bottle every 3 hours during the day (usually 5 ounces) and will play for a while and then will nap for a little while. Sometimes he cat naps and sometimes it will last an hour and a half or so.

He has just started laughing, but I think I'm the only one who has heard him do it. He has also started to coo and make noise. He has also rolled over once from his tummy to his back. That was a few weeks ago and he hasn't done it since so maybe it was a fluke!

Harrison is really starting to reach out and touch things at 3 months. We got him a new play mat for Christmas and to say he loves it would be a huge understatement. It has a piano on the end that he can kick and it plays music, and he just goes to town on it. He's doing a lot better with his head control and can sit in the bumbo for extended periods of time now, which is good for his flat head!

This month coming up will be very eventful for Mr. Harrison as he will start daycare. My maternity leave is coming to an end and it's a little bittersweet. I hate thinking about someone else giving him his bottles during the day and playing with him, and even changing those stinkies. I've enjoyed my time with him and will miss him so much! He's just such a sweet baby and I'm going to miss this one on one time that we've been able to have while Hudson was at school! I'm sure I will cry on his first day. But, I know life is not going to be like this forever and it's time to get to how our new normal is really going to be.

Happy 3 months sweet little buddy!

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