Thursday, May 10, 2018

Christmas Break Fun

The first half of Christmas break was so much fun. We had activities every single day which kept the boys occupied. We finally made a stop by K&J's in Alabaster and got ourselves all sugared up. We met  up with Carrie, Rooney, Shondra and Morgan and had a fun cousin day!
Hudson had the Christmas special which was some sort of peppermint creation with cotton candy on top. It was incredible and pretty yummy too!

I think Harrison got the cotton candy one, which came complete with a cupcake and cotton candy on top. Super duper sweet. I did not love this one at all although it looked the best I thought!

Our friend group (that has all boys!) decided that one day during the break we would all pitch in and do the game truck, pizza, and do a little gift swap. It was such a fun time and it may become an annual thing. Pretty sure 90% of the gifts brought were nerf guns so that made it all the better too!

 Lots and lots of boys (and I think I see one sweet little sister who can hang with the boys!!).

We baked our cookies for Santa!

 And we (the adults!!) partied it up a little bit too! Such a fun time of the year!


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