Thursday, June 15, 2017

Wrapping Up the School Year

School wrapped up several weeks ago and I have yet to update on May!
Hudson had his third and final Market Day. I actually think this was in April, but oh well. He loves science and experiments, so for this one, he made about 10 diet coke/mentos packages, including instructions on how to make it explode. He did a commercial for it too. He sold out very quickly. Market Day was really such a pain, however, if you ask Hudson what he liked best about 2nd grade, he will immediately say it was Market Day. And, he learned a lot about the importance of saving money, and what it takes to have to pay bills and tickets (ahem, lots of tickets!), and that you can save up and buy what you really want if you plan! So, all in all, it was good.
The boys and I helped Fight Hunger at our church with our friends (Joel was out of town). I think our entire time slot packed 40,000 meals in 2 hours. It was insane, but so, so fun. We will not miss this event ever again if we can help it. Our kids need to know about people that are hungry-they live such a privileged life and so this was very good for them to realize not everyone is so lucky. It was amazing to see how into it they got! The hair nets were a nice look!

Both boys finished baseball in the first round of the playoffs. It was a disappointing end, but both had good seasons. Harrison was terribly disappointed in the loss, as you can tell below! Ha!

 Hudson is officially a cardinals fan after this baseball season!
 Whoa...yikes...clearly, cleaning closets were at the very top of the to-do list this summer. I should have posted an after picture.
 Hudson stole my work softphone and was pretending to be a sports broadcaster!

 So, this was the last year of preschool. Cue the tears. Our church had a 4K blessing back in early May where they recognized all of them. Such a sweet group.
 Harrison's best buddy, Grayson!
 The very next week was Kindergarten orientation! Harrison got a tour of the school and said he did not like it at all. Not sure how August is going to go, but he better change his tune! He looks happy in these pictures, so maybe he's just trying to make it harder on Mommy! :)

 We just can't get enough of baseball...we enjoyed watching Vestavia play in the playoffs! I'm still having to warm up to cheer on the red and blue. I'm still a green and gold Spartan at heart! :)

 We went and watched Auburn play at Regions Field! This was such a fun night even though Auburn played so horribly! The boys would not leave even though it was a school night. Finally the 7th inning stretch came and everyone stood up and the boys thought the game was over, so we were able to make our exit! I think it was close to 10!
 Hudson had his first guitar recital. He started taking lessons in January and I was actually not going to make him do this recital because he was so new to it, but he wanted to do it. And, he did great! He did not make one single mistake, and wasn't nervous at all. We were SO proud of him!

Harrison had his 4K graduation and it was a tear fest as usual! Geez...they are precious, but why do we have to do a slide show to make everyone cry! It was really cute though. They had gotten all of the kids to speak on camera and asked them various questions, and Harrison's question was "What do you think you will learn in Kindergarten?" He said that he would learn to read. Right on, buddy!

 We're going to miss this cute group in Kindergarten. Only one of them is going to Harrison's school, but they will all be meeting at the church after school each day so they'll still get to play!

 Oh, this teacher...she is SO, SO, good. Harrison was so blessed this year to have her and has learned so much. It's going to be hard to leave sweet Mrs. Deborah!

 Our little graduate!
 On to Kindergarten he goes!
Hudson had his year end class party. Their class is Miss Carr's Race Cars, so the party was centered around relay races. The kids had to carry a matchbox car on a wooden spoon in this relay race. It was so fun!

 Red light, green light, was a must too!

It was a hard year for Hudson, but a good one.

 Lilla and her favorite little boy on earth!
 Hello summer!

 Last day of school pics! Hudson won 2 awards in his class this year, Hardest Worker, and Always Helpful. I was pretty happy about that! I hope he can keep those traits forever!
 And let's not even talk about this BUZZ cut. This is what happens when Joel takes the kids to get their hair cut. I might have cried a little when I first saw him!

Last day of 4K!
More summer fun coming soon!

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