Friday, July 8, 2016

Utah and the Beach

At the end of May right before school got out, Joel left for 3 weeks to go to Utah to get some specialized treatment for lyme disease. He had been taking antibiotics for about 4 months and really felt a lot better and so his doctor took him off the antibiotics, and he went right back downhill within a week of coming off. So, he decided he needed to go a different route and found a clinic in Utah that specializes in lyme treatment and they were able to get him in quickly! It really did not make sense for me to go as well since it was so long and he would basically be in treatment most of the day and would be exhausted the rest of the time (it required a lot of sleep!), so I stayed back home with the kids. It was a LONG 3 weeks, but we all survived and Joel is now on a 3 month at home treatment and then hopefully, crossing our fingers, will be done with this mess. He seems to be doing a lot better so far, but still has some lingering issues that will hopefully go away with time.
This was him getting the hyperthermia treatment in Utah. They heated his body temp up to 102 degrees every day, which is supposedly the point at which the disease can not survive in the body.
When school got out, the boys and I left immediately for the beach. They had been asking to go for months and months, so I decided I could handle it by myself and go for the week. We had a great time and the boys were angels. I think they knew they needed to be! :)

 Harrison's swim lessons with the Swim Nazi paid off and he was swimming like a fish! No turning back at all!
Most days were spent between the pool and the beach. And I even read an ENTIRE book! That hasn't happened in the last 7 years!

 We rode our bikes to the donut truck in Alys several times.

We needed a break one afternoon so we headed down to Baytown and I let the boys do the trampoline thing. They loved it!

Then we had dinner at The of our new favorite places. Not for the food (it's average at best), but for the entertainment. It's a great place!

 If that wasn't enough, we came back home and decided to ride our bikes back to Alys for the symphony. I was pretty much running on fumes, but they really wanted to go and I am so glad that we did! It was great!
 Nothing like patriotic songs to put you in a good mood! And they had a wonderful fireworks show at the end of it.

 We did the animal show at Alys one day and that was fun as usual. Hudson got picked to be a helper this time! He is holding the turtle (it might be a tortoise...not sure...the lady would not be happy with me for not listening!).
We also went to the Red Bar one night (Hudson ate an ENTIRE bowl of shrimp and crawfish pasta--he is getting so big!) and drove around where my parent's new beach house is going to be! We are so excited about that!

It was a good trip. I got back home and then had to turn around and go out of town for work (aka vacation, ha!) the next week. Thankfully, the grandparents were able to come to our rescue since Joel and I were both out of town!

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