Thursday, October 8, 2015

Harrison's Actual Birthday and 4 Year Old Stats

We had Harrison's 4 year old check up this morning. I despise this checkup more than any other due to the amount of shots--he had to get 4! But, he is done until he's 11! Woo hoo!

Here are his stats:

Weight: 40.6 pounds (90th)
Height: 41 inches (90th)

Everything else looked great! We did have a little scare in that I told Dr. C. about Harrison's recent bed wettings after being potty trained a year, and everyone we know knows that he is a very excessive sweater, so we did a quick urine test to rule out any glucose (which could mean diabetes). He was good though! Phew! Just a normal bed wetter and sweater! :) He is one healthy (and huge!) 4 year old! At least he sort of looks his age now. Ha!

I forgot to blog about his real birthday. It fell on a Friday this year which was great because I was off. We had big plans to go to the "McQueen Center" as he likes to call it! It is what he chose for the day--he loves that place.

I was awakened pretty early that morning by Hudson, who had thrown up. Uh for Harrison the next day at our house and signs of a bug were appearing. Well, I never actually SAW him throw up, but he claimed he did and he was acting pretty puny, so it was definitely no school for him. You probably know how this turned out--well, he never threw up again, and after he put down 2 donuts after Harrison and I came back from Krispy Kreme, I declared that he pulled a fast one on me. :) He is still not admitting that he did not throw up, but I have a sinking suspicion that he wanted to stay home with his brother on his birthday! Who can blame him!?!

Well, I did not let Hudson go to Krispy Kreme. Luckily, Joel was off too and stayed home with him. Harrison and I had so much fun! He wanted a monster donut and a pumpkin one, and then he ate part of my plain one too! It was his birthday, so why not have 3 donuts!?!?

 Then we came home and decided to open presents before we were to head to McWane. Harrison was SO excited to get his own bike!

 I just loved this helmet...I had to get it. It fits Harrison's personality to a T!

 He rode his bike all over our house and it finally cleared up a bit so he could ride it outside. It did not take him long at all to get the hang of it. He was so excited about it that he told me he wanted to stay home and not go to McWane! Well, ok then!

 We did have to make a run to the Western for some birthday party stuff, so he did his birthday ride on the horse! He was announcing to everyone that he was 4 that day! He is very proud to be 4!

 We had a great day at home. One of Harrison's wishes for his birthday was that he did not have to take a nap that day! He seriously talked about it all week leading up to it. It was a big deal to skip nap! Ha! Anyway, so my parents came over mid afternoon and gave Harrison a gigantic crane truck that is taller than Hudson, which he has declared as his favorite toy and has caused numerous fights between the boys, and then we went to Johnny Rockets (his pick!) for dinner because they would sing to him! He made sure that they sang...poor waitress was pretty fed up with him asking about it over and over and over again! Ha! They finally did and it was everything he wanted it to be!

 Then it was back home for more gifts from Migi and Pops! This is one lucky boy we have here!

It wasn't exactly the day I had planned, but sometimes you just gotta go with the flow! He had a great day and could not wait until his party the next day!

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