Tuesday, March 10, 2015

A Weekend Outdoors

We enjoyed the beautiful weather last weekend! I can tell spring is on its way and that makes us all happy!
A co-worker gave us 2 tickets to the Schoolhouse Rock fundraiser benefiting Cornerstone Schools on Friday night and so Joel and I headed for a night out. We didn't make it very long because Joel started to not feel well, but it was fun for a little bit! They gave out these gold sunglasses and the boys have loved playing with them! They look like movie stars! Migi and Pops took the boys to Johnny Rockets and Hudson got the restaurant to sing Happy Birthday to him! That boy is so funny! Didn't he know his birthday was over?!?!

We had baseball pictures Saturday morning. Hudson and Caleb were best, best friends from about 18 months to 3 when they were at the same school. They had the closest bond, one that I would never have guessed two kids that young could have. Well, we moved Hudson to a different school the fall after he turned 3 and while we have had play dates and been to each other's birthday parties, it's been hard to get them together as much as we would have liked with us all being working parents. Well, we were THRILLED to see that they ended up on the same baseball team this year! It has been so fun to see them re-kindle their friendship.

 Love little boys in uniform! And the 3 coaches were all Joel's good friends growing up! So fun to get to have the group back together again with their sons! I'm pretty sure that Joel is having more fun than Hudson at this point!

 Sunday morning, we decided to skip church and head to Red Mountain Park for the morning to hike. Spring like weather just makes us all want to be outside! It was such a beautiful day!

 Our goal this time was to find one of the treehouses and we succeeded! We ended up hiking about 4 miles total so it was a lot longer than we wanted, but the boys loved it! Well, one boy loved it a ton, the other one had to be held a bunch, but 4 miles of hiking will do that to little legs so I don't blame him. I burned some calories that day with Harrison on my hip a lot of the time!

Red Mountain Park is so, so nice, and a great addition to Birmingham. However, my one beef with it is that you get red clay all over your shoes, and if you have crazy boys, you get red clay all over their clothes, hands, faces, feet, backside...you name it. And then you bring dogs too who love to play in the mud and then get red clay all over them? Well, just prepare for your car to be ruined. So that was a bit of a bummer. We forgot about how dirty you get, but we will certainly remember for next time!

 The time change on Sunday really messed with our day. The day FLEW by. We didn't get home from hiking until almost 2, so I decided that we just needed to skip nap for Harrison so that he would go to bed early and hopefully get us on the right track for the week. The week following a time change is always pretty terrible for the boys. So far, so good though!

Hudson had baseball practice at 4, so Harrison and I decided we would head to McCallum Park and play for a while. They added a really nice walking trail within the past couple of months and I wanted to check it out (even though my legs didn't really feel the same way after hiking that morning!). Harrison loved playing in the woods again and then spent a long time on the playground. Such a nice little gem here in Vestavia.

 Yikes, I look rough, but Harrison looks cute so it's post worthy. He was so sweet and it was fun to spend that one on one time with him!

We came back home and he helped me pick up every stick in the yard and take it to the street. He was a hard working boy that day! That's why I cut him a little slack when I caught him tee-teeing in the front yard. Sorry neighbors, we obviously have some work to do! :)

Joel started a new job in Birmingham yesterday! We are excited to have him back home and life is getting back to normal! These past two months have been a complete blur, but we survived!

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